Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Finally here...

Ok, So we arrived in Dallas today around 3:45pm. My husband wanted to make sure we didn't arrive during 5 o'clock traffic, which we didn't so it was good to finally get here.

We have driven around town to get a feel of where we are located, and wanted to find the Dr.'s ofc. and such, so we will know where we are going tomorrow.

My Pre-Op appt. is at 1:00pm tomorrow. Not sure what to expect, but will post as soon as I know.

Ok, and I have to say this...We found the Surgery Center and it looks like its located in some sort of shopping mall! Seriously! OMG! I even saw a fudge shop around the corner! I'm not sure what I expected...maybe something more hospital like. LOL! But really, its like a shopping mall with all these shops around. I will admit it kind of freaked me out. I know, I know don't judge and now days there are lots of little surgery centers open that are wonderful, but yes.... it still freaked me out.

If I get a chance, I will have to take pictures. But for now, I'm in the hotel and resting.

I would like to say thanks to all who are sending prayers up for me! I feel so blessed to know you are thinking about me. And to my wonderful sister Kacy, thanks so much for this blog, (that I'm still figuring out)..and for your love and support! I know I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful sister. Thanks so much!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Robin!
    My name is Pam, I am a friend of Kacy's. :-) I am happy she gave me your blog link, very cute place! Please know you are in my prayers and I will be checking in here to see how you are doing.
    Stop by my blog anytime.
    God bless you.
