I think I'm an epic failure when trying new things. Again last night my going to bed early did not work out so well on my part.
If you have read any of my earlier posts you know that Tuesdays are my long day. After work I have a piano lesson, then worship practice at the church. Well, my piano was cancelled yesterday, but I still had worship practice. Didn't get home until around 8:30pm. I guess that isn't enough time for me to unwind.
After getting home, I cooked a little dinner and ended up talking to my daughter about work things, wedding things, and just well you know......things! Then my future SIL came home and I talked to both of them for awhile. Then my husband got home from work and we all ended up talking about our day. Don't get me wrong, that time with them is priceless. But around 10:30pm I had to boot them all out of my room so I could go to bed. But even after climbing in bed, I had tons of things running through my mind! So I'm sure I didn't sleep right away.
I'm fixing to post last nights sleep cycle. It's not much different than the 1st night! Bahhhh! I'm suppose to be doing better! Geeze! ok...(talking to myself....making me feel better) ...I will continue to try! That is all I can do at the moment, right?
Ok, here we go! (Drum roll please....now scroll down...yikes!!)
I told you it wasn't much different than the 1st night! Anywhoo, I'm still trying at this! :) I will not give up yet! God is not going to give up on me, so giving up on myself is NOT an option!
Ok my peeps, I will holler at you later!~
You're a hoot!