Well, It is Friday. Finally the weekend. I guess I should be more thrilled, but to be honest, I am exhausted. This has been my first full week back to work after being so sick, and it has really pushed me. When I get off today, I plan on going home and crawling into my nice bed and taking a good snooze!
I have noticed that I'm not getting enough sleep at night. I am requiring more and more sleep the older I get. I have known this but have ignored the signs for awhile now.
I had actually set this as one of my goals earlier in the year, but haven't really followed it, but now I know I need to. I know it may sound crazy, but if I don't get lots of sleep, my body starts feeling run down, not to mention the crankiness, then I start getting physically sick, and so on...
My kids are older now, so that is no excuse! No little ones to attend to, so I can sleep when I want..... most of the time.
I'm going to set a new schedule this next week for when to go to bed and such. We'll see how much rest I actually get. I will keep you posted. I actually have an app on my phone, that I set under the top of my pillow, that tells me how long I've been asleep and what my sleep pattern is.
I don't know if I would actually rely on the sleep pattern part, but I know I can rely on the time that I've slept, because I have to input that myself.
It's going to be interesting to say the least! I probably don't really want to know. OK...it's pretty much a known fact that all of us don't get the rest we need, but do we actually do anything to try to change it? Do we change our schedules? What do we actually do, to rest? What works for you? Do you actually rest on the Sabbath Day? Hum....Lots of food for thought.
I will let you know early next week how my weekend was, and how my week is looking!
Until then my friends!~
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