Wow! Another busy weekend with little to no rest.
Our new adventure...AKA King Kones...(Sno-cone stand) is keeping me busy. I did not realize what all it entailed. It's like starting a small business, with limited space! Bahahaha! I will post pictures as soon as I can.
I spent all weekend making simple syrup to mix with the flavors! We have over 50 flavors, and I only got like 20 bottles done! :( But I also spent time cleaning the Sno-Cone trailer, and organizing, and just stuff in general. You can't even walk in the front room at my house without stepping over sno-cone syrup! It is interesting to mix flavors like Dill Pickle and think.."Geeze, do people really order this!" I remember going to the Sno-Cone stand and telling the teenager, "I'll have a tigers blood please!"
We are excited but scared at the same time. Please pray for us to have a successful sno-cone business. I'll keep you posted on how it goes!
Monday, March 26, 2012
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Well after much consideration, I will have to finally admit...I turn 40 today. I thought about just telling people that I am 39 and holding! ;)
Spring break is over, school is starting up again. It's kind of hard to get Josh focused back on school work. Honestly, it is probably harder for me than him!
My hubby and I and the family are working hard at getting the snow cone stand up and running.
We had set a date of April 1 to be open. Hopefully it will be around that date. Oh, for those who don't know, we bought a snow cone stand last year. It's called King Kones. We bought it from an individual. We have decided to leave the name the same. We are going to set up the trailer by our church. It's bright pink! I'll post some pictures soon! The individual we bought it from has some scriptures written on it in children's handwriting. We decided to leave all that the same. So either this weekend or next, I will be practicing with my expert snow cone skills! Bahahaha!
Wish me luck! ;)
Spring break is over, school is starting up again. It's kind of hard to get Josh focused back on school work. Honestly, it is probably harder for me than him!
My hubby and I and the family are working hard at getting the snow cone stand up and running.
We had set a date of April 1 to be open. Hopefully it will be around that date. Oh, for those who don't know, we bought a snow cone stand last year. It's called King Kones. We bought it from an individual. We have decided to leave the name the same. We are going to set up the trailer by our church. It's bright pink! I'll post some pictures soon! The individual we bought it from has some scriptures written on it in children's handwriting. We decided to leave all that the same. So either this weekend or next, I will be practicing with my expert snow cone skills! Bahahaha!
Wish me luck! ;)
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Hello my beautiful bloggin' buddies! ;) I hope you are having a super fantastic spring break. As for me...I'm at work! grrrrr......
I decided I would just update everyone on some of my past posts, so that you would know whats up!
I am currently still working on the sleep thing. It's harder than I thought to tackle. But don't give up on me yet!
I finally went (a few days late) and I paid my fishing ticket. I am no longer an outlaw and you will will be glad to know that I will not have a warrant out for my arrest! ;) However, there is a downside to this story...
My ticket cost a whoppin' $145.00!! Beeeegeeezers! Are you kidding me?!?!?! A fishing ticket costs that much! Well, guess we are only going to eat at my house on M, W and Fridays!! If you are available to feed me and my family on T, T. and Saturdays, please let me know. Uh Oh...what about Sunday's? Hum...well...we'll just play that day by ear! ;)
Seriously... I have thought about starting a fishing fund to help my pocket book! ;)

And lastly...I have been waiting to see "The Hunger Games" movie. Well it starts March 23!!! I'm sooooo excited! Woot Woot!
You can check out "The Hunger Games" premiere in Los Angeles if you want, just follow this link below.
There are several good photos of everyone there!
Oh, and Happy Spring Break~
I decided I would just update everyone on some of my past posts, so that you would know whats up!
I am currently still working on the sleep thing. It's harder than I thought to tackle. But don't give up on me yet!
I finally went (a few days late) and I paid my fishing ticket. I am no longer an outlaw and you will will be glad to know that I will not have a warrant out for my arrest! ;) However, there is a downside to this story...
My ticket cost a whoppin' $145.00!! Beeeegeeezers! Are you kidding me?!?!?! A fishing ticket costs that much! Well, guess we are only going to eat at my house on M, W and Fridays!! If you are available to feed me and my family on T, T. and Saturdays, please let me know. Uh Oh...what about Sunday's? Hum...well...we'll just play that day by ear! ;)
Seriously... I have thought about starting a fishing fund to help my pocket book! ;)

And lastly...I have been waiting to see "The Hunger Games" movie. Well it starts March 23!!! I'm sooooo excited! Woot Woot!
You can check out "The Hunger Games" premiere in Los Angeles if you want, just follow this link below.
There are several good photos of everyone there!
Oh, and Happy Spring Break~
Friday, March 9, 2012
Sleep Day 4
I did so much better last night! Woot Woot! Of course I can still do better, and will continue to try! Almost a full 8 hours. So proud of myself. The downside is I don't feel good today. Maybe the lack of sleep is catching up with me. Not sure, but I am just as sleepy as the other days! :( I also have a headache today! grrrr.....It is Friday, so I do get to leave early from work today. Amen! Right now, I just want to go home and take some meds for my headache and crawl into bed.
Ok, enough whining! I'll keep you posted on my progress next week! Pray for me!
I hope everyone has a super weekend! If I don't talk to you over the weekend, I'll post Monday!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Sleep Day 3
We have a problem. :/ I kind of already knew how this was going to turn out, and sure enough, its exactly as I thought. Geeze!
As the week goes on, I get less and less sleep. I had an enjoyable evening with some friends after work, then headed home as usual. My son wanted to just talk and talk, and tell me about his PS3 games. Then I ended up talking to my daughter for a while. Same with the hubby! And as I was talking to hubby, that TV show "Operation Repo" was on, and oh man...I was cracking up! My hubby and I ended up just really talking through the commercials, be cause we didn't want to miss any of the repo drama! I know it sounds corny, but hey....if it gets my mind off of my stuff for a while....I'll watch it! Bahahaha! ;)
have to figure this out. How to balance all of it. I'll take any suggestions I can get! But for now, here is last nights sleep cycle results. I know, I know! Not very good! But as I said, its a work in progress. So as I'm sitting here yawning at my desk, I want you to come trade places with me, so that I can go home and take a nap! Yea that's what I said! :) Let me know when you'll be here!
As the week goes on, I get less and less sleep. I had an enjoyable evening with some friends after work, then headed home as usual. My son wanted to just talk and talk, and tell me about his PS3 games. Then I ended up talking to my daughter for a while. Same with the hubby! And as I was talking to hubby, that TV show "Operation Repo" was on, and oh man...I was cracking up! My hubby and I ended up just really talking through the commercials, be cause we didn't want to miss any of the repo drama! I know it sounds corny, but hey....if it gets my mind off of my stuff for a while....I'll watch it! Bahahaha! ;)
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Sleep Day 2
Um...well...(I clear my throat as if there were a frog in it)!!
I think I'm an epic failure when trying new things. Again last night my going to bed early did not work out so well on my part.
If you have read any of my earlier posts you know that Tuesdays are my long day. After work I have a piano lesson, then worship practice at the church. Well, my piano was cancelled yesterday, but I still had worship practice. Didn't get home until around 8:30pm. I guess that isn't enough time for me to unwind.
After getting home, I cooked a little dinner and ended up talking to my daughter about work things, wedding things, and just well you know......things! Then my future SIL came home and I talked to both of them for awhile. Then my husband got home from work and we all ended up talking about our day. Don't get me wrong, that time with them is priceless. But around 10:30pm I had to boot them all out of my room so I could go to bed. But even after climbing in bed, I had tons of things running through my mind! So I'm sure I didn't sleep right away.
I'm fixing to post last nights sleep cycle. It's not much different than the 1st night! Bahhhh! I'm suppose to be doing better! Geeze! ok...(talking to myself....making me feel better) ...I will continue to try! That is all I can do at the moment, right?
Ok, here we go! (Drum roll scroll down...yikes!!)

I told you it wasn't much different than the 1st night! Anywhoo, I'm still trying at this! :) I will not give up yet! God is not going to give up on me, so giving up on myself is NOT an option!
Ok my peeps, I will holler at you later!~
I think I'm an epic failure when trying new things. Again last night my going to bed early did not work out so well on my part.
If you have read any of my earlier posts you know that Tuesdays are my long day. After work I have a piano lesson, then worship practice at the church. Well, my piano was cancelled yesterday, but I still had worship practice. Didn't get home until around 8:30pm. I guess that isn't enough time for me to unwind.
After getting home, I cooked a little dinner and ended up talking to my daughter about work things, wedding things, and just well you know......things! Then my future SIL came home and I talked to both of them for awhile. Then my husband got home from work and we all ended up talking about our day. Don't get me wrong, that time with them is priceless. But around 10:30pm I had to boot them all out of my room so I could go to bed. But even after climbing in bed, I had tons of things running through my mind! So I'm sure I didn't sleep right away.
I'm fixing to post last nights sleep cycle. It's not much different than the 1st night! Bahhhh! I'm suppose to be doing better! Geeze! ok...(talking to myself....making me feel better) ...I will continue to try! That is all I can do at the moment, right?
Ok, here we go! (Drum roll scroll down...yikes!!)
I told you it wasn't much different than the 1st night! Anywhoo, I'm still trying at this! :) I will not give up yet! God is not going to give up on me, so giving up on myself is NOT an option!
Ok my peeps, I will holler at you later!~
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Sleep Day 1
Well whew! That weekend went quick! But doesn't it always!
I stated last week that I was going to log my sleep for at least a week, and see how I do. Well, I can say that I didn't start off very well last night (Monday night). I have been reading "The Hunger Games" Trilogy and I really wanted to get it finished. Something about that last book that you want to hurry up and be finished already! So with only 3 chapters left, I absolutely HAD to finish! ;)
The application I'm using on my phone is called Sleep Cycle. Feel free to look it up at I believe it has a rating of around 4 out of 5 stars. Here is how it works.
Sleep Cycle creates a 30 minute wake-up phase that ends at your desired alarm time.
During this phase Sleep cycle will monitor signals from your body to wake you softly, when you are in the lightest possible sleep state.
The Iphone uses the accelerometer to sense your movements as you sleep. (Not sure if this really works or not, and don't really care.) I just use the application to know my start/end sleep time.
I am posting my Day 1 results below.
Ok....So you can see when I went to bed and woke up. Well 7 hours to me isn't too bad, but could be better.
It also give me my average over a certain amount of time. I guess my average is around 6 hours and 45 minutes.
I'm not going to worry about my average right now. My goal is to do better this week. If I can do better nightly, then weekly, then my overall average should change.
So my primary focus is just on this week. :) I actually love this app. As I said before, I don't rely on it too much as far as my sleep patterns and such go, but I do like to know how much sleep I'm getting. Not sure why, but I do! :)
I hope everyone has a blessed week ahead! I know I'm going to! Until tomorrow!~
I stated last week that I was going to log my sleep for at least a week, and see how I do. Well, I can say that I didn't start off very well last night (Monday night). I have been reading "The Hunger Games" Trilogy and I really wanted to get it finished. Something about that last book that you want to hurry up and be finished already! So with only 3 chapters left, I absolutely HAD to finish! ;)
The application I'm using on my phone is called Sleep Cycle. Feel free to look it up at I believe it has a rating of around 4 out of 5 stars. Here is how it works.
Sleep Cycle creates a 30 minute wake-up phase that ends at your desired alarm time.
During this phase Sleep cycle will monitor signals from your body to wake you softly, when you are in the lightest possible sleep state.
The Iphone uses the accelerometer to sense your movements as you sleep. (Not sure if this really works or not, and don't really care.) I just use the application to know my start/end sleep time.
I am posting my Day 1 results below.
It also give me my average over a certain amount of time. I guess my average is around 6 hours and 45 minutes.
I'm not going to worry about my average right now. My goal is to do better this week. If I can do better nightly, then weekly, then my overall average should change.
So my primary focus is just on this week. :) I actually love this app. As I said before, I don't rely on it too much as far as my sleep patterns and such go, but I do like to know how much sleep I'm getting. Not sure why, but I do! :)
I hope everyone has a blessed week ahead! I know I'm going to! Until tomorrow!~
Friday, March 2, 2012
Already Worn Out!
Well, It is Friday. Finally the weekend. I guess I should be more thrilled, but to be honest, I am exhausted. This has been my first full week back to work after being so sick, and it has really pushed me. When I get off today, I plan on going home and crawling into my nice bed and taking a good snooze!
I have noticed that I'm not getting enough sleep at night. I am requiring more and more sleep the older I get. I have known this but have ignored the signs for awhile now.
I had actually set this as one of my goals earlier in the year, but haven't really followed it, but now I know I need to. I know it may sound crazy, but if I don't get lots of sleep, my body starts feeling run down, not to mention the crankiness, then I start getting physically sick, and so on...
My kids are older now, so that is no excuse! No little ones to attend to, so I can sleep when I want..... most of the time.
I'm going to set a new schedule this next week for when to go to bed and such. We'll see how much rest I actually get. I will keep you posted. I actually have an app on my phone, that I set under the top of my pillow, that tells me how long I've been asleep and what my sleep pattern is.
I don't know if I would actually rely on the sleep pattern part, but I know I can rely on the time that I've slept, because I have to input that myself.
It's going to be interesting to say the least! I probably don't really want to know.'s pretty much a known fact that all of us don't get the rest we need, but do we actually do anything to try to change it? Do we change our schedules? What do we actually do, to rest? What works for you? Do you actually rest on the Sabbath Day? Hum....Lots of food for thought.
I will let you know early next week how my weekend was, and how my week is looking!
Until then my friends!~
I have noticed that I'm not getting enough sleep at night. I am requiring more and more sleep the older I get. I have known this but have ignored the signs for awhile now.
I had actually set this as one of my goals earlier in the year, but haven't really followed it, but now I know I need to. I know it may sound crazy, but if I don't get lots of sleep, my body starts feeling run down, not to mention the crankiness, then I start getting physically sick, and so on...
My kids are older now, so that is no excuse! No little ones to attend to, so I can sleep when I want..... most of the time.
I'm going to set a new schedule this next week for when to go to bed and such. We'll see how much rest I actually get. I will keep you posted. I actually have an app on my phone, that I set under the top of my pillow, that tells me how long I've been asleep and what my sleep pattern is.
I don't know if I would actually rely on the sleep pattern part, but I know I can rely on the time that I've slept, because I have to input that myself.
It's going to be interesting to say the least! I probably don't really want to know.'s pretty much a known fact that all of us don't get the rest we need, but do we actually do anything to try to change it? Do we change our schedules? What do we actually do, to rest? What works for you? Do you actually rest on the Sabbath Day? Hum....Lots of food for thought.
I will let you know early next week how my weekend was, and how my week is looking!
Until then my friends!~
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