Well it's been interesting to say the least!
The Snow cone stand is up and running! Still learning as we go, but at least its a "GO!"
I promised pictures so here it is!

Yep! It's ugly I know! But will have to do for this year! Business is slow, but expected. I pray...No I know, that business will pick up further into the summer months and as the weather gets hotter! It is a huge relief to get all that "crap" out of my house! It looks somewhat functional again! I can see my floor again! :)
Eddie is running the stand usually from 3-9pm. I do worry about him and have found myself staying at the stand in case he needs me. Well, last week after working all week and then hanging out at the stand ....just about killed me! I'm too old!
I know I'm going to have to let him tend to it. It is his baby after all! :)
Hopefully now that the stand is open, I can have more down time, and not worry so much about things. I pray that I will have some peace very soon. I thank God for blessing me with all that I have! I know I'm not deserving!
I'll keep you posted!~
Hi Robin, glad the Kones stand is up and going. Have a wonderful week-end my friend. Love and Hugs.