Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The night before...

Woo Hoo! I have made it so far! I'm so proud of myself!

First off, the sleep number bed that I'm sleeping on is NOT what it's cracked up to be! I kept switching numbers all through the night trying to get comfortable. Finally got tired of messing with it and fell asleep.

I started my day with what else but my protein shake! My mother bought me some Atkins style protein shakes and I can honestly say I think she saved my life. Last week I received the powder protein and have tried every way imaginable to doctor them so that they won't taste so bad. I've looked up so many recipes on the internet. Chopped ice, cubed, frozen, chilled, with fruit, spices, milk, water, frozen name it...I've tried it! I just couldn't hardly get them down. I think it might have been a texture thing. But thanks to my mother...we have found one I think is pretty good.

Anyway, Pre-op appt. at 1:00 went great. I got to meet my doctor and nurses. And guess what? I lost 7 pounds on my Pre-Op diet! And because I did, they said I could go out tonight and have anything I wanted to eat! As long as it was before midnight! Woo Hoo!!! No shakes for supper tonight! Now...what to eat???

I have to be at the shopping mall...ugh..I mean.. surgery center in the morning at 7:30am. (tee hee)
My surgery is at 8:30am. It is about a 20 minute procedure. Then recovery for a little while. After about an hour in recover I will have have to have a barium swallow and x-ray to make sure that the band is in place and everything is good. Then back to the hotel we go. I won't see the doctor for another 5 weeks.

I'm still so shocked that the time is finally here! Ok, I'm off to find something to eat! Yum Yum! I'm so excited about getting to eat tonight! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Robin,
    Hope you are doing well. You are in my prayers!
    God bless you :-)
