Well, today I find that I'm not nearly as motivated to post as in the past. Not sure why, but here goes.
So far to date, I have lost around 45 pounds. Woot Woot! Very excited, but of course the Lap-Band is made for slower weight loss, so I am trying my very hardest to not get discouraged. But I want it to happen now! hehe I still have my moments of trying the foods I want to eat (even though I know it will be hard). I usually end up getting sick, and then of course I think to myself "Why did I even try that?" I have realized that some of the old eating habits are very hard to break! And I will admit that there are times that I wish I could just take the absolute BIGGEST bite of hamburger you've ever seen!!! Sometimes thats what I miss most. Still no regrest! I'm overall extremely happy and would recommend in a heartbeat!
Church is doing good. Over the last few weeks we have had some growth. We have anywhere from 25-35 people now! Praise the Lord! I finally did get pictures of the church, but haven't uploaded them from my camera yet. I will try to do that here in the next few days.
Family is doing well. Eddie of course still has good and bad days. But don't we all. Will try to post pics of the family.